Rob Ford has backed down from a plan to sell off hundreds of Toronto Community Housing properties—for now. The mayor released a statement yesterday noting that he wants TCHC to outline how it’ll spend the $222 million expected from the sale and where it plans to place 2,000 newly displaced tenants. Of course, given the already record-long wait list for social housing in the city and the considerable backlash from former and current politicians around the city, Ford likely would’ve faced serious opposition if the issue went to council. Josh Matlow, a member of council’s once mushy, now mighty, middle, even says the mayor’s office solicited his opinion on the sale. Is that a sign Ford has a newfound interest in compromising? Perhaps. Of course, council’s new political reality dictates that compromising is something Ford is going to have to do. Whether he’s interested in it or not. Read the entire story [Toronto Star] »
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