“The fucking goof did it at my house.”
-Elena Basso, whose house at 15 Windsor Road in Etobicoke is believed to be the location where the infamous Rob Ford crack video was filmed. According to the Star, a newly released batch of police documents contains transcripts of conversations recorded just a few days after Gawker broke the news of the video’s existence. In one of those recordings, Basso says the above. She also describes the “heat” that was coming down on the neighbourhood drug trade, telling Mohammed Siad Liban Siyad, the man who tried to sell the video to Gawker and the Star, that she has “Rob’s people and cops coming every day” to her house. But forget all that: how perfect (and adorably old-timey) is it that Basso describes the mayor Mohammad Siad, the man who shot the alleged video of Ford smoking alleged crack, as a “fucking goof”?
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article stated that Basso was speaking with Mohammed Siad about Rob Ford. Recent developments clarify that Basso was speaking to another associate, calling Siad a “fucking goof.”
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