The voting pattern will stay the same; I’m just not going to be the guy with the thumb.
—Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti, who jumped ship stepped away from Rob Ford’s inner circle as soon as the severity of Ford’s legal snafus became clear, explaining what his newfound independence will mean for future council meetings. This weekend, Mammo told the Toronto Sun that he has not only resigned from the mayor’s executive, but will also no longer operate as the mayor’s de facto whip, ensuring allies are in their seats for key votes and showing them via a thumbs up or down which way to vote. The councillor also griped about Ford’s flip-flopping on committee assignments and refusal to let Mammo lead a potential committee on casino development, citing them as reasons why he quit the executive. Mammoliti may no longer be the guy with the thumb, but he seems happy enough to thumb his nose at his former ally. [Toronto Sun]
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