
Prince William and Kate Middleton get an invite to Canada

Prince William and Kate Middleton get an invite to Canada
The future King of Canada, and his bride-to-be (Image: esther1616)

Because a news cycle just can’t seem to go by without him, Stephen Harper was all over the big feel-good story of the week: yesterday’s announcement of Prince William‘s proposal to Kate Middleton. In his statement of congratulations, the prime minister was quick to invite the pair to visit Canada: “It would be an honour to welcome Prince William and his bride to Canada in the future and show them the special warmth and cherished traditions that are reserved for members of the royal family.”

According to the Globe, the PM wasn’t the only one following the happy couple onto the nation’s most-read lists. Also jumping on the royal bandwagon was Jack Layton—“[all Canadians] wish the royal couple well as they embark upon their life of service together”—and Michael Ignatieff, who observed that “they look happy” and that the engagement reminded him of when he got engaged.

Our spanking new governor general took the opportunity to suck up to his boss. Quoting the Globe:

Listing the recent visits to Canada of the Queen and Prince Charles, Mr. Johnston noted that Canadians have had many opportunities in the past year “to express their loyalty and affection for the members of the Royal Family.”

“This most auspicious occasion of your engagement provides Canadians with yet another opportunity for rejoicing.”

Speculation about which Canadians will be invited to the wedding is already under way. Charles and Diana invited some Canadian friends, along with official invitees, such as the governor general, his wife and the prime minister. Prince William could follow this protocol, says the Globe, which then ominously points out:

It is not clear, however, as no date has been set, just who Canada’s Prime Minister would be.

It is widely expected that a federal election will be held in the spring. According to the polls, Mr. Harper’s Conservatives are tied with Mr. Ignatieff’s Liberals.

• Harper invites royal couple to experience Canada’s ‘special warmth’ [Globe and Mail] • Harper invites William and Kate to visit Canada [ CTV News] • Canadian politicians wish Royal couple well  [Toronto Sun]Canada congratulates Prince William [Nine MSN]


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