Transit etiquette, it seems, is at an all-time low considering that news of the TTC’s new fleet of streetcars comes with advice from an etiquette expert reminding passengers to groom themselves at home, pick up their trash and not knock each other over. Apparently this is all particularly pertinent given that the new cars will come with a new seating configuration that puts riders face to face with fellow travellers. The redesign surely has many passengers shuddering, but Councillor Joe Mihevc reminds riders to look on the bright side: hey, you might just fall in love (yes, on the TTC). And there does seem to be plenty to love about the new vehicles, including wider, “family-style” seats, accessibility for people in wheelchairs, and Presto stations. Oh, and bike racks inside the vehicles. Somewhere, Rob Ford just felt a cold shiver. Read the entire story [Toronto Star] »
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