Rocking a wig and a killer nose ring as a disguise, Karen Stintz recently posed as an everyday transit worker, pulling shifts cleaning buses and working the lost and found. Stintz was taking part in an episode of Undercover Boss Canada, which allows head honchos like Stintz to experience what it’s like to work the front lines in their own organizations. And Stintz seems to have learned a thing or two (in a preview for the show, she’s shown in uniform saying, “I feel kinda like I wanna throw up”). Speaking on Metro Morning today, she said she hopes to engage in discussions with the union to improve the TTC “without necessarily moving to the outsourcing solution.” She also spoke about the pride TTC employees take in their work. Both observations, however, may not be to Rob Ford’s liking—we all know this administration likes its contracts outsourced and its civic pride awkward and bumbling. Read the entire story [Toronto Star] »
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