As Toronto emerges from its Covid-induced fugue state, we’ll need to rebuild the city. It’s challenging, yes, but also exciting. We asked Toronto’s smartest thinkers to predict how the city could change—for the better
|1| The big picture By Jason McBride
|2| Affordable Internet will become a universal human right By Alejandra Ruiz Vargas
|3| The film and TV industry will go virtual—actors and sets included By Paul Bronfman
|4| Modular housing can end homelessness By Abigail Bond
|5| Micro-restaurants are the future of fine dining By David Hopkins
|6| Toronto’s main streets will become European-style pedestrian hubs By Kristyn Wong-Tam
|7| Universal pharmacare will save Canadians billions of dollars per year By Eric Hoskins
|8| Home care will ease the burden on hospitals By Kevin Smith
|9| Brick-and-mortar stores will reinvent themselves with AI By Diane J. Brisebois
|10| We will drastically reduce the number of people in Ontario jails—and prevent more crimes in the process By Paula Osmok
|11| Affordable child care will save the economy By Jagmeet Singh
|12| We will regulate long-term care to protect residents By Patty Coates
|13| Virtual visits will revolutionize family health care By Jennifer Young
|14| We’ll turn city lands and golf courses into massive urban farms By Paul Taylor
|15| Facial recognition, voice activation and VR will transform offices By Claudette McGowan
|16| All mental health services will be covered under OHIP By Thomas Ungar
|17| We will stop warehousing older people in care homes By Samir Sinha
|18| Grocery delivery will save the planet By Ran Goel
|19| E-cycles will become the new public transit By Darnel Harris and Sam Starr
|20| Race-based data collection can make our city more equitable By Arjumand Siddiqi
|21| E-commerce will save small businesses By Satish Kanwar
|22| Restaurants will become multi-platform one-stop shops By Andrew Oliver
|23| Inclusionary zoning can help fix the housing crisis By Mitchell Cohen
|24| A basic income will bring millions of people out of poverty By Michael Coteau
|25| Every homeless person will get a room of their own By Cathy Crowe
|26| As business travel declines, leisure travel will thrive By Ambarish Chandra
|27| Employees will work wherever they want By Zabeen Hirji
|28| Food couriers will run their own delivery apps By Iván Ostos
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