It’s not often that Canada makes it onto Gawker’s radar, but the Great White North did this week. The New York-based media and celebrity-voyeurism site reached an all-time high of 30 million readers in April, largely due to the infamous iPhone leak and, of course, Scott Baio. The headline on The Awl reads: “Gawker Media Monthly Traffic = Population of Canada.”
An internal email from Gawker overlord Nick Denton and obtained by The Awl shows that the initial iPhone article received 4.2 million readers in April (Toronto’s population is 2.48 million) while a timeline of Scott Baio’s Twitter-based meltdown pulled in about almost 75,000 (Nanaimo, BC has 79,000 people).
While it’s unlikely that a Canadian site will see numbers comparable to our neighbour’s population (there are 307 million people living in the States), the debate of whether Toronto can have it’s own version of Gawker seems dead.
• Gawker Media Monthly Traffic = Population of Canada [The Awl]
(Image: Canada outline,
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