QUOTED: Tim Hudak confuses the Interwebs by tweeting in gibberish

QUOTED: Tim Hudak confuses the Interwebs by tweeting in gibberish

Xkdkdkdsdf. $fcfdfjfhhffhfhhffhhfhjjhhfhfhfhfhrhd. Cvbbcbcbnfgbfbfbfbfbfbfbg$$$$$$bnncfnrn

That’s the cryptic message Tim Hudak sent to his 11,600 Twitter followers yesterday. No, it wasn’t a Dalton McGuinty–fueled aneurysm, as one commenter suggested—it turns out the tweet actually came from Hudak’s four-year-old daughter Miller while she playing with his BlackBerry. The random gibberish became a trending topic in both Toronto and Ottawa, making Miller officially more influential than her father (if only for a moment). Read the entire story [Toronto Star] »