Here’s a familiar tale: a Toronto cop with his face covered and no badge displayed (allegedly!) beats up some G20 protesters, a police complaints watchdog deems the officer used excessive force, and the protesters launch a lawsuit. That’s the short version of why partners Nikos Kapetaneas and Caitlin Morgan are each suing the Police Services Board for $25,000, claiming they were kicked, punched, beaten with batons and pepper-sprayed. Kapetaneas is better known as the unlucky protester in this picture, while the police officer behind that famous boot-to-the-shoulder is apparently Constable Oliver Simpson, who was also named in the Adam Nobody case. If you want to keep track, the Toronto Star has catalogued all the G20 lawsuits launched to date. The short version of that story: the list is very long. Read the entire story [Toronto Star] »
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