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Not Your Average Joe: who cottages where on Muskoka’s luxest lake

By Steve Kupferman
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Not Your Average Joe: who cottages where on Muskoka's luxest lake

Of the three major Muskoka lakes, Joseph is cottage country’s most star-studded. Its lots—generally bigger than those on nearby Rosseau and Muskoka—attract celebrities and business titans who require adequate room for their toys, boats and egos, and prefer not to rub elbows with nosy neighbours. The maximal-living trend is most obvious on the lake’s northern tip, dubbed Billionaires’ Row, where one lakeside cottage compound recently went on the market for a record-setting $25 million. Here’s a look at who calls Lake Joe their home away from home.

(Images: Bronfman, Ivey, Crawford, Cynamon and cottage, Hamlin by Getty Images; Kenny G via Wikimedia Commons, cottage by Ted Yarwood; Walker cottage via Instagram; O’Leary courtesy of CBC, cottage by the National Post; Stavropoulos via Twitter. Illustration by Chloe Cushman)


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