It’s true: for one day only in the not-so-distant future, Torontonians will be able to sink their teeth into a ShackBurger. On Wednesday, January 18, from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m., Shake Shack is popping up at Momofuku Daisho and serving their signature ShackBurgers and fries, with $1 from each order going to SickKids. The catch: there’s a limited number of burgers (and we’re guessing it’s fewer than the number of people who want to eat said burgers). We recommend lining up now: the New York-based chain draws long lines even when the goods aren’t in such short supply.
Founded by top-of-the-game restaurateur Danny Meyer in 2004, Shake Shack has expanded big-time in recent years across the U.S. and to Russia, Japan, the Middle East, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Could Canada be up next?
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