QUOTED: Brit restaurant critic Giles Coren on why people should give Rob Ford a break

QUOTED: Brit restaurant critic Giles Coren on why people should give Rob Ford a break

Coren and Ford at city hall. (Image: Giles Coren/Twitter)

“I come from a country where there’s a reputation for bad press. And I was appalled by the behaviour of the Canadian journalists. I’m almost sympathetic to Rob Ford.”

Giles Coren, the notoriously prickly British restaurant critic, not-totally-surprisingly came out as a Ford defender at a recent dinner party-slash-interview with the Star’s Corey Mintz. (To be fair, Coren later elaborated on the “almost,” saying that Ford is “clearly a terrible, terrible man.”)

Coren, who’s in town filming a food TV show called Million Dollar Dinner, attracted lots of media attention earlier this month when he visited city hall and let the mayor buy him a hot dog. The incident unsettled some Torontonians, who took to Twitter to chastise the Brit for inserting himself in the middle of Toronto’s complicated relationship with its mayor.

True to character, Coren was not easily cowed.

While the personal attacks may be unnecessary, we have to sympathize with Torontonians who feel a bit possessive about Rob Ford. As with mothers and spouses, it’s one thing for us to judge our civic leader, but it may be best for anyone else to keep their thoughts to themselves.