The Toronto Star devotes precious front-page inches to the kind of story that Canadians most yearn for: Will a Canadian-born celebrity please come home and make us all feel special? Where have you gone, William Shatner? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you: “Almost 12,000 people have signed on as fans on the [Facebook] page launched March 22 urging Capt. James T. Kirk to beam into Rideau Hall once Michaëlle Jean stands down.”
The Star is quick to point out that Shatner isn’t interested in the gig. Sure, they get a decent house and can decide the fate of a nation, but governors general spend a lot of time in front of a camera wearing odd costumes, so we can understand why this might be unappealing to William Shatner.
But before he or anyone else dismisses the idea completely, we offer six key attributes that would make a Shatner governorship a success.
6. He might bring Leonard Nimoy here with him. Nimoy is coming to Canada to christen Vulcan, Alberta, the official Star Trek capital of Canada. If we do this real quick, maybe we can convince him to stay and serenade us with his odes to Hobbits.
• Bold pick for Governor General: William Shatner? [Toronto Star]
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