Dear Urban Diplomat, Some of my U of T law classmates invited me to Hanlan’s Point on the Island for some European-style sunbathing. I’d like to keep my privates private, but I don’t want to wimp out. Any suggestions on how to partake without going the full monty?
—Nude Awakening, The Annex
After their love of fine wine and movies without explosions, Europeans are best known for their tanned nether regions. And that’s great for them. We colonists are considerably more inhibited, but there’s no shame in that. I recommend you attend and wear as much clothing as you want. There’s usually a handful of non-nudes at Hanlan’s, though it can’t hurt to bring along a few prudish classmates for backup. Before you entrench your trunks-on mindset, however, at least entertain the thought of letting it all hang out. It’s a pretty good time, provided you can keep sand out of various crevices. And if you need to smuggle in a mickey to help work up the courage, I’m certain you won’t be the first.
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