High-end stroller thefts continue to be a problem in Toronto, but at least the latest reported incident has the benefit of providing a bit of schadenfreude for local parents. Three hours after a $750 pram was stolen from an east-end porch, a picture of it appeared on Craigslist. The owner of the stroller, Web-savvy dad-vigilante Lindsay Taylor, got his property back by arranging to meet the seller, recognizing the item and yelling at the man while a friend swooped in to reclaim the pram. To erase any possible sympathy for the suspect, one Michael Pavlova, the Star revealed that he is also the man accused of storming a Legion hall with a replica gun and trying to take poppy money from an 84-year-old veteran.
Until strollers are equipped with GPS, which would increase their value and make them both easier to find and more attractive to steal, the police recommend taking precautions: “If you have a garage, put it inside. Put it inside your house. If you go to get a coffee, bring your stroller inside the coffee shop. There are always people walking around looking for the opportunity.”
• Father retrieves stolen stroller in Craigslist sting [Toronto Star] • Photo released in high end stroller theft [Toronto Star]
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