
Officer Bubbles is back—and he’s identifying rough cops from the G20

Adam Josephs, the internet-famous “Officer Bubbles,” is in the news again, but for keeping the police force accountable rather than starring in satirical cartoons. The Toronto Star reports that Josephs was a witness for the Independent Police Review director’s recent (and scathing) report, helping to identify the officers who allegedly roughed up freelance journalist Jesse Rosenfeld while he was reporting on the kettling incident outside the Novotel Hotel. According to TVO’s Steve Paikin, who was at the scene, two police officers refused to recognize Rosenfeld’s “alternative media pass” and restrained him, while a third punched him in the stomach and elbowed him in the back. Thanks to the witness statements and Josephs’ identification, Constable Michael Martinez will face a police tribunal hearing for using “unnecessary force.” Justice! Though Paikin and Josephs reportedly had a chat about Josephs’ Bubbles infamy when they ran into each other outside the Princess of Wales Theatre, we’re hoping for a reunion of both high-profile witnesses on The Agenda[Toronto Star]


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