Toronto’s various daily newspapers have announced their endorsements for Ontario premier, and most of the recommendations are entirely as expected. The Toronto Star endorsed Dalton McGuinty, hailing his track record on education and health care. The Globe and Mail also supported McGuinty, noting he’s the best man to—nautical metaphor alert—guide Ontario through “tempestuous waters.” Apparently, none of the candidates is sufficiently conservative for the Toronto Sun, although they claimed that they “wanted” to endorse Tim Hudak (just in case you had any doubts). While we weren’t shocked that the National Post endorsed Hudak, we have to admit we were somewhat surprised by its rationale. The Post argued that McGuinty’s conduct during the 2006 Caledonia dispute makes him unfit to govern. Really, if the Post was looking for a legal crisis that might resonate with voters, they could have chosen something a little more recent.
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