The nine most outrageous things that Rob Ford has said in the past 24 hours

The nine most outrageous things that Rob Ford has said in the past 24 hours

Stripped of almost all his mayoral responsibilities, Rob Ford appears to be easing into his new full-time position: self-aggrandizing spin machine. Since yesterday evening, Toronto’s sort-of mayor has appeared on CBC, CNN and NBC, as well as his new Sun News Network show, repeating a series of folksy talking points about not being perfect and siding with “poor people” instead of “rich people” like himself. But is Ford’s media blitz is really helping his case?  With each interview, his explanations become more convoluted, his rants more unhinged and his denials less plausible. Below, we pull out the day’s most bizarre quotes.

rob-ford-cbc“I’ve changed the culture down here. You don’t hear about the scandals anymore…I mean, a money scandal.”

—to CBC’s Peter Mansbridge, in the mayor’s first sit-down interview after council stripped him of nearly all his powers

rob-ford-cbc“I’ve had a come-to-Jesus moment.”

—in the same CBC interview, following a vow that he would never drink again.

rob-ford-today-show“Say your son or daughter just got killed in a car accident and you’re plastered out of your mind at three in the morning. Are you going to be able to handle that?”

in response to a question this morning from NBC’s Matt Lauer about whether Ford could have handled a city emergency when he was heavily intoxicated

rob-ford-sun-news“My question is, I urinated in a parking lot. What does that have to do with anything?”

—on his new Sun News Network show, Ford Nation, which premiered last night

rob-ford-sun-news“I am a role model.”

—just a few minutes earlier in the show

rob-ford-cnn“I don’t look at myself as the mayor. I look at myself as just a normal, everyday person.”

—to CNN producer Bill Weir in a two-part interview that continued last night

rob-ford-cnn“I’m not going to run around and be phoney and lie.”

—also to Weir, conveniently forgetting that he spent months claiming he didn’t smoke crack

rob-ford-council“NDP! NDP! NDP! NDP! NDP!”

heckling the unfriendly public gallery during the council meeting. Doug also painted the crowd as “special interests,” and said they weren’t “real taxpayers”

rob-ford-council“If you think American-style politics is nasty, you guys have just attacked Kuwait! This is going to be outright war in the next election.”

—during a furious harangue at the end of yesterday’s council meeting