QUOTED: Giorgio Mammoliti on today’s Supreme Court prostitution ruling

QUOTED: Giorgio Mammoliti on today’s Supreme Court prostitution ruling

(Image: Shaun Merritt)

“I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO…I guess I’m not that crazy after all.”

-Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti, reacting to today’s landmark victory for the human rights of sex workers with a torrent of all-caps self congratulation. This was the actual headline of a press release issued by his office earlier today. The reason Mammo is so excited is that he has spent the past two years occasionally advocating for the conversion of the Toronto Islands—currently home to a childrens’ amusement park, a zoo and some quaint family homes—into a red-light district, where prostitution could happen away from the general populace. The gist of the rest of the press release is that city council missed the boat (ferry?) by failing to endorse the plan prior to the Supreme Court ruling. As interesting as it would be if Toronto had its very own sex archipelago, we imagine the city will get by without one.