QUOTED: Legendarily dark film director David Lynch on the Rob Ford debacle

QUOTED: Legendarily dark film director David Lynch on the Rob Ford debacle

Images: Ford: Christopher Drost; Lynch: Sasha Kargaltsev/Wikipedia)

I hear you have quite the mayor up there.

—Film director David Lynch on Rob Ford. Lynch, who was being interviewed for an upcoming issue of Flare by local scribe Ryan Porter, mentioned the mayor when he discovered Porter was from Toronto. It was just a passing reference, but it does show how wide the Ford crack-and-criminals story has spread—and how intriguing and mysterious it is. After all, if the man who directed such dark films as Blue Velvet, Mudholland Drive and Inland Empire has his curiosity piqued, there’s more here than meets the eye. Perhaps we’ve found the dream director to oversee our dream cast of the inevitable Rob Ford movie. Someone call Lynch go-to starlet Laura Dern and see if she’s available to play Sarah Doucette.