Charlie Sheen jokes in the legislature at Queen’s Park? Tim Hudak’s not afraid to go there

Charlie Sheen jokes in the legislature at Queen’s Park? Tim Hudak’s not afraid to go there

Tim Hudak, elected MPP in the legislature, former minister to the Crown and leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, raised the level of debate at Queen’s Park today, saying:

“I’m more likely to believe that Charlie Sheen’s going to kick his drug habit than Dalton McGuinty won’t raise taxes.”

“Later today we’re going to debate mental health issues,” said finance minister Dwight Duncan, according to the Star. “An important debate, but (Hudak) wants to make fun of people with addictions instead of focusing on the issues.” He goes on to ask for an apology to Ontarians with addictions—an apology he is entirely unlikely to get. Addicts across Ontario, meanwhile, were heard saying, “Sheen? Don’t compare us to that guy.”

• No new tax hikes in upcoming budget: Grits [Toronto Sun]