The brother of Sandro Lisi’s alleged crack-video extortion victim got shot on Tuesday

The brother of Sandro Lisi’s alleged crack-video extortion victim got shot on Tuesday

now-what-newOn Tuesday afternoon, a 21-year-old man named Ahmed Siyad was shot in the parking garage of a Toronto Community Housing high-rise at 2063 Islington Road, which wouldn’t be so remarkable were it not for the fact that, according to the Sun, Ahmed Siyad is the brother of Liban Siyad, the alleged gang member whom Rob Ford’s friend Sandro Lisi is accused of extorting during a frantic attempt to recover Ford’s first crack video. (Lisi’s pretrial hearing began earlier this month.) If the story weren’t strange enough already, the Sun adds another weird detail: Ford was in the neighbourhood when Ahmed was shot, and even spoke to him before he was taken to the hospital. Ford told the Sun he was making routine constituency calls. “I am in TCHC buildings a lot assisting people,” he’s quoted as saying.