Dear Urban Diplomat: Do I have to feed organic food to my kid’s friend?

Dear Urban Diplomat: Do I have to feed organic food to my kid’s friend?

My eight-year-old son made a new friend at school this year. Unfortunately, the kid’s dad is a real piece of work. To say he’s a health nut would be an understatement. The man keeps his child on a strict diet—no refined sugar, no preservatives—and gets angry when other parents don’t adhere to it. Recently, the boy was over at our house, and I bought everyone treats from our local bakery. When his dad found out, he refused to set up another play date for weeks. I think he’s being ridiculous. Do I have to give in to his draconian demands?

—Snack Attack, The Beach

Issuing a lifetime ban on just about everything that tastes good is cruel. But so is sneaking treats behind another parent’s back. Even if the guy is behaving like an organic overlord, it’s his kid, his rules. Rather than ­worrying about what Granola Boy is missing, think of your own son. Waging a sugar war will only prevent him and his new BFF from hanging out, so keep your comments—and your pastries—to yourself.

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