Grange Park’s impending makeover is shaping up nicely

Grange Park’s impending makeover is shaping up nicely

Last winter, the AGO announced that it would be using an undisclosed sum of Weston-family money to upgrade Grange Park, a lovely but neglected patch of public space located in the gallery’s backyard. Vancouver’s PFS Studio (best known locally for Sherbourne Common) has been working on the landscape design ever since. The video above, released by the AGO two weeks ago, shows a 3D rendering of the latest version of the proposed revamp. Everything is looking pretty good (that is, aside from all the creepy, slo-mo, computer generated park people). Flowerbeds, new trees, attractively curvaceous concrete benches and a prominent water feature give the park a more distinctive look without ruining its relative peace and seclusion, and some new playground equipment offers something for the kids. The makeover is scheduled for completion in late 2015.