Pizza Gigi saga update: police put restraint order on the Harbord pizza shop

Pizza Gigi saga update: police put restraint order on the Harbord pizza shop

(Image: Jessica Darmanin)

The saga of the alleged drug peddling at Pizza Gigi continues, as the police move to block any sale on the shop. Back in February, we reported that the beloved Hardbord Street pizza shop had been raided following allegations of drug possession and trafficking on the part of owner Salvatore “Sammy” Crimi. To the surprise of many, the pizza parlour reopened a few weeks later after cleaning up. (The shop even made it onto SNL’s Weekend Update.) Now, the Toronto Star is reporting that Toronto police have obtained a restraint order on the property:

“It essentially makes the property available for forfeiture at the end of proceedings,” said Det. Richard MacCheyne, who works in asset forfeiture for the Toronto police financial crimes unit.

The restraint order was placed on the pizza shop because police have identified it as “offence-related property” — they accuse Crimi of selling drugs from the restaurant.

As a result, if Crimi is convicted, the property would be forfeited to police.

Business at Pizza Gigi is expected to carry on as usual.

• Police move to seize Pizza Gigi from owner facing drug charges [Toronto Star]