William Shatner quits Twitter

William Shatner quits Twitter

(Image: Twitter/Screenshot)

Why is it that the aging celebrities who should quit the internet never do, while the ones whose online presences we actually somewhat enjoy abandon us before we’re ready to see them go?

Canadian guy, former TV starship captain, e-commerce pitchman, Stratford Festival honouree and one-time Esperanto enthusiast William Shatner announced this morning that he would be leaving Twitter, saying, “It’s not an easy decision but it’s the right one for me.”

The right decision maybe, but evidently a tough one to adhere to. Five hours after writing the heartfelt signoff in the screenshot at the top of this post, Shatner tweeted again. And so here, presumably, is the last Twitter will be hearing from Captain Kirk:

A non-sequitur about America’s Funniest Home Videos. You, sir, will be missed.

UPDATE: And he’s back: