That was fast! The Lake Shore backlash has begun

That was fast! The Lake Shore backlash has begun

Lake Shore's resident antisemite

Not since “Sneezing Panda” has a YouTube video created this much of a stir. First, Toronto hated Lake Shore, then the American media loathed it, and now there’s even a petition to stop the show. A Torontonian currently studying at Syracuse University has created a petition against any networks picking up the show, claiming it is “offensive to all Torontonians as it highlights the most racist, xenophobic, philistine and unearthly residents our great city has to offer.”

Not to be outdone, Bernie Farber, CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress, told the National Post that Lake Shore’s decision to air a quote from Sibel “the Turk” saying “I’m not racist because I hate everybody equally. Especially Jewish people” was “the most insensitive, puerile, trashy way to get attention.” We wish the petition signers luck (so far it has 100 signatures), but we signed the “Keep Veronica Mars on TV” petition, too, and remember how that turned out.

• Stop “Lake Shore” From Airing [PetitionSpot]
Anti-Semitic comment stirs controversy for Lake Shore trailer [National Post]