Green Living Show lures Colin Firth to Toronto with award

Green Living Show lures Colin Firth to Toronto with award

Mr. Darcy upon his visit to Toronto in 2008 (Image:

Colin Firth will be coming to the Green Living Show on Saturday to receive the inaugural—pause for a deep breath—Green Living and Environmental Media Association International Entertainment Award (we’re calling it the GLEMAIE). He’s being recognized for opening a store that sells green products, but we think he’s being recognized for being able to sell tickets to an event.

Firth, along with his wife, Livia Giuggioli, and brother-in-law, Nicola Guiggioli, opened Eco Age in London three years ago, selling a hodgepodge of environmentally friendly products and offering consultations on how to make a space greener.

We’re not downplaying Firth’s environmental efforts (we also appreciate his self-deprecation when he told the Star it feels “absolutely hideous” to use his fame to promote a cause), but wouldn’t it make more sense to award a local celebrity, to show Torontonians how people in their own neighbourhood are helping the environment?

Rachel McAdams springs to mind. She is always seen riding her bike around town and shopping local. In 2007, she also helped launch the Green Is Sexy site, which offers tips on how to be greener. Anyway, Firth will show up this Saturday at 5 p.m., so be sure to bring those old Pride and Prejudice DVDs and a Sharpie just in case.

Colin Firth a tad red-faced about green award [Toronto Star]