Watch the Born Ruffians music video that got Dufferin’s dancing crossing guard suspended

Watch the Born Ruffians music video that got Dufferin’s dancing crossing guard suspended

Remember the dancing crossing guard? As of yesterday, she dances no more.

Global reports that 65-year-old Kathleen Byers, who entertained drivers near Alexander Muir Junior Public School with her on-duty dance moves, quit her job on Tuesday after being suspended for wearing her police-issued crossing-guard gear in a Born Ruffians music video, embedded above. (It’s sort of like what would happen if Spike Lee cast a west-end grandma in an all-white-people reboot of the opening credits from Do The Right Thing.) The incident was the breaking point in an already-tense relationship with her police supervisors: a police crackdown on her crosswalk dance routines led to community protests in December.