Can I make my snoring boyfriend sleep on the fold-out couch?

Can I make my snoring boyfriend sleep on the fold-out couch?

Dear Urban Diplomat,

My boyfriend often spends the night at my condo. I love having him around in the mornings, but I never get enough sleep: he tosses and turns, talks in his sleep and snores like a jackhammer. I’d call it a nightmare, but that would necessitate actual slumber. I have a comfy fold-out couch in my living room. Is it fair to suggest he sleep on it?

—Two Beds Are Better Than One, Yonge and Eglinton

Helena Bonham Carter and serial snorer Tim Burton famously slept in neighbouring (albeit conjoined) houses, and their relationship lasted 13 years—basically a lifetime in celebrity speak. In theory, the separate-bed solution should improve relationship satisfaction for non-celebs as well: we’re all nicer to our significant others when we haven’t been harbouring 3 a.m. thoughts of snuffing them out with a pillow. That said, exhaust other remedies—nasal strips, earplugs, humidifiers—before proposing the pullout. And if you’re that desperate for some shut-eye, be ready to hit the couch yourself from time to time.

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