Dear Urban Diplomat: How do I make my friend stop humblebragging on social media?

Dear Urban Diplomat: How do I make my friend stop humblebragging on social media?

Dear Urban Diplomat,

My best friend is insufferable online. He posts non-stop with faux incredulity about the celebs he meets through his TV gig, the VIP sections he frequents at music festivals and the work-related air travel that’s just soooo exhausting. His humblebraggy online persona is now a running joke among our friends. How do I tactfully tell him he’s making himself look like a fool?

—Checked Braggage, East Danforth

There is no good way to tell a friend you’ve all been giggling behind his back for weeks/months/since birth. He’ll be traumatized, and your group’s circle of trust will be shattered. Wait until you’re all out together, then bring up his account and say, “Good Lord, cool it with the humblebrags,” or some other slightly pointed remark. Your friends should join in if he objects, but not so much as to make it seem orchestrated. Be warned: your offensive might spark some retaliation about all the baby videos you’ve been posting.

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