Dear Urban Diplomat: what can I do about the never-ending porn shoot next door?

Dear Urban Diplomat: what can I do about the never-ending porn shoot next door?

Dear Urban Diplomat: what can I do about the never-ending porn shoot next door?
(Image: Joe Lillibridge/Flickr)

Dear Urban Diplomat,
It seems the unit down the hall at my condo has become the world’s busiest porno set. There’s a steady stream of sketchy characters loading in camera and lighting gear, and lots of very obvious on-screen “talent” hanging around. Unbelievably, they keep the noise down, but it’s easy to guess what’s going on. I have two kids. What are my options?

—Girls Next Door, Liberty Village

Normally my advice would be to pop down the hall with a plate of baked goods and sort things out like adults. But since porn storylines so often incorporate the plumber/pizza delivery guy/random neighbour dropping by, that might be a bad idea. Instead, talk to your condo board. They’re not there just to bump up your fees. If they don’t take action, you may have luck with 311. Shooting porn isn’t illegal, but running a business in a unit zoned as residential is.

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