Goodfella Rocco Rossi poster receives a human rights complaint at city hall

Goodfella Rocco Rossi poster receives a human rights complaint at city hall

The ghosts of Rocco Rossi’s ill-fated, poorly run, bewildering run for the mayor’s office continue to haunt city hall. The National Post reports that someone recently filed a human rights complaint over the Rossi “Goodfella” poster hanging in the press gallery. The posters, with their talk of Rossi’s balls and strange attempt to paint him as a benevolent crime lord, caused a stir during last year’s mayoral campaign. The Post describes the posters quite succinctly: “They featured Mr. Rossi’s big, bald likeness looming over a cityscape shrouded in darkness.” You know, darkness—the kind of imagery most people associate with strong municipal government. For the record, a city spokesperson said the city’s not necessarily asking the press corps to remove the poster. “Whether the poster should be removed or not is something we will have to discuss further with the press gallery,” the spokesperson wrote in an email. Of course, the question now is whether they’ll be basing the discussion on human rights standards or standards of good taste. Read the entire story [National Post] »