VIDEO: how U.S. late-night hosts mocked Rob Ford’s latest scandal

VIDEO: how U.S. late-night hosts mocked Rob Ford’s latest scandal

(Image: Comedy Network/Screenshot)

Wednesday’s debut of Crack Video 2: The Crackening came a little too late in the evening for it to make its way onto that night’s batch of late-night comedy shows, but by Thursday evening all the network writers’ rooms had had plenty of time to craft their latest Rob Ford jokes. Here’s what Jon Stewart, Jimmy Fallon and David Letterman had to say about the mayor’s meltdown and leave of absence. (The videos are below.)

The Daily Show, with Jon Stewart

There’s a chance this video will be removed from YouTube at some point during the day. If that happens, it’s still possible to watch the entire Daily Show episode on CTV’s website.

The Late Show, with David Letterman

(This is the second Toronto story he’s used as the basis for a top-ten list this week.)

The Tonight Show, with Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Kimmel and Seth Myers also both talked about Rob Ford briefly on their respective shows, but we’ve been unable to find video on the web.