Did Councillor Pam McConnell mess up by buying a condo in the Regent Park redevelopment?

Did Councillor Pam McConnell mess up by buying a condo in the Regent Park redevelopment?

Some well-placed folks may have broken the rules when they scored brand-new condos in a redevelopment partly financed by the city. Over the weekend, the Toronto Sun’s Sue-Ann Levy stopped baiting Margaret Atwood long enough to delve into the shadier details of the ongoing Regent Park revitalization, an attempt to transform the downtrodden area into a vibrant mixed-income community. She accuses local councillor Pam McConnell, project developers and former TCHC executives (including already-disgraced Gordon Chu) of conflict of interest, since they all bought prime condos in the development, which will get at least $200 million in public funding. Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong has already called for an investigation, while Rob Ford promised, “I will drill down and I won’t stop.” If only Ford took conflict of interest issues this seriously all of the time. Read the entire story [Toronto Sun] »