Stephen Harper sings John Lennon’s “Imagine” with YouTube star, universe is confused

Stephen Harper sings John Lennon’s “Imagine” with YouTube star, universe is confused

Conservative leader Stephen Harper sat down with YouTube star and Lady Gaga fan Maria Aragon and did what he always does whenever seated at a keyboard: played classic Top 40 hits. In this case, Harper and Aragon belted out “Imagine” (and let’s just say that in this particular coalition, the Conservative is very much the junior partner). Anyone who has actually listened to the lyrics of “Imagine” might be a little confused. How do we square Harper’s talking points about a “reckless, unnecessary election” brought about by a scheming coalition against John Lennon’s radical critique of the status quo and plea for peaceful coexistence? Shut up, that’s how.

• Harper Sings Duet With 10-Year-Old YouTube Sensation [The Mark]