See a sign of springtime? Send us a picture

See a sign of springtime? Send us a picture

(Image: Chung Ho Leung)

Unless this year’s brutal winter has completely deadened your senses—and we’ve all been there—you’ve probably noticed that the weather over the past few days has been pretty pleasant. With temperatures on the upswing, it’s only a matter of time before green stuff starts sprouting from the cracks in the sidewalks, and once that gets going there’s no stopping until we’re all back outside, barbequing with our shirts off.

Here’s where you come in. Over the next few days, if you happen to notice any evidence of this slow but inevitable change—a leaf bud, say, or a robin, or the return of a favourite seasonal drink to the shelf of a local LCBO—snap a picture of it and send it to us. We’ll take the best of what we get and publish it on our website.

You can send us your images by email, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, or even Google Plus.