Toronto developer announces it will use non-exploding glass on its condos

Toronto developer announces it will use non-exploding glass on its condos

Er, wait, this was an option all along? After a spate of incidents involving falling glass showering the streets beneath downtown condos, Lanterra Developments (the company behind the Murano towers, from which a pane of glass fell 31 storeys and injured a passerby near Bay Street on Monday) says it will now use laminated glass instead of tempered glass on its outside features. The key difference is that laminated glass is covered in plastic, which means that if a pane shatters it won’t send shards hurtling toward the ground. We’re happy to hear that Lanterra is moving in this direction, and we hope other developers do too. Of course, we wish they had ponied up the extra dollars earlier, instead of waiting until the ninth episode of exploding glass to change things up. Read the entire story [Star] »